Thursday, September 21, 2006

Summer's Journal: First Entry

I decided to start this journal, much as my mother had before me. Whenever an event happened important enough in her life to write it down. Besides my birth, and my sixth birthday, nothing really important has happened.

I mean, I started school, and sure that was important, but I was confused as to why my father made me go. When I first went to school, I was already reading at a fourth grade level. I mean, seriously, to put me in kindergarten would be like putting a college student back to their freshman year.

But no bother. Enough of my useless ranting. Its not like I can change anything now. The die have been cast. So sayeth Ceasar.

This event, however, is one that I feel will change how I look and view the world. Up until this point, I have saw the world as a place of deciet, darkness, cunning and vile ceatures. Which reminds me, I don't like people very much. I love my family, and as my father before me, I would give my life to save a noble human, but its sad that there are not many to save. I felt the need to tell you this so you know where I stand.

No, you know what. No. Okay. My cousin. He has a friend, they've been friends since eighth grade. They run track together. So he calls me over, my cousin Brendan that is. He's my cousin through my mother. Her twin sister, my Aunt Page, and my mother, Jesse, were seperated when they were young. Did I ever mention I don't stay on subject for too awful long when I write personal thoughts?

So, Brendan, calls me over, and introduces me to this friend of his. Chris. And He makes fun of my cousin. Now, I don't go for that so I laid my fist into his cheek. I walked away. Later, I played some pranks on him.

A couple of days later, my cousin calls me, and invites me to the movies. He wants to see some horror movie. So I go. Then I see Chris there, and Brendan looks at who he is with, and somehow, gets me to switch tickets so Chris comes with me.

I knew at that moment, that it was a trick. I had fallen for it. Chris and I started talking, he kept trying to put the moves on me. And though we were talking, and technically on a date, I was uncomfortable. No boy had ever shown interest in me like that. I wanted to curl in on myself and run away.

Then... He said he was a Mage... And all the things he did became perfectly clear to me. I knew, as whatever the hell I am, a normal person could never survive with me. One night I might wake up and become a werewolf, and how horrible would it be for me to shred my own husband apart. Or worse yet, the vampire in me could take over and I could bit him and kill him. Then again, my magic could go haywire, and I could wake up with a skeleton slave for a husband.

But here is what Chris did to make me begin to like him. He let me take the lead on the way here. It showed me he respected me. Then he opened a door, its old fashioned, and showed me he had honor. Whenever he took my hand, I asked him not to and he let go, another sign of respect. All it did was take him saying, "I'm a mage." To let me see all that.

Is that wrong of me?

So after the movie, he walked outside, it was raining, and underneath the movie pavallion he handed me his sweatshirt (He was being sweet.) and so I turned it down, took off my high heeled boots, and I took off into the rain. I loved the rain. It made me feel young and childlike again, so I began to dance around. My makeup was running. I began to walk (dance) home, and he grabbed my wrist. At first fear went through me. Maybe he wasn't as sweet as previously thought.

Then he pulled me in front of him. Looked me in the eyes, and said, "Summer" or he said, "Dawn", I can't quite remember. I think he said Summer as to get my attention because I hate being called such a happy name, "Summer, will you be my girlfriend?"

Where the hell did that come from? I thumb-tacked his chair, made him stink like rotten eggs, and glued his shirt to the back of his chair. I was nothing but short with him until we got the movie theater. I stared at his eyes. I couldn't look away.

I had to think. 'No,' I told myself, 'If you think you'll say no.' And so I let my heart speak, "Yes..." then my ever thinking mind took over, He would have to meet my father, mother, aunt and uncle, and get accepted by them, "But you don't know what you are getting into."

"I'll take my chances," he replied. Or something similar to that. I began to run towards my aunts house. I wanted him to catch me. So I slowed down a bit. Forgetting he was on track however, he caught me. I kept scooting towards the house. If he was going to kiss me, it had to be normal kiss, on the doorstep before I went inside.

He leaned in and I took a deep breath, It wasn't out of fear, but he was going to be my first kiss.

"What's wrong?" You didn't kiss me damnnit.

"Nothing," I said, leaning forward again. Make my first kiss perfect Chris, please...

"What are you two doing out here?" My Aunt Page said.

Needless to say, Chris pretty much ran, but before I went inside, we met eyes, and I smiled. How funny a smile tastes to lips who never have it.



Blogger Jardena said...

I guess you've gotta like a guy who you can punch then see a movie with, Mage or not.

9:37 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

"How funny a smile tastes to lips who never have it."
Perfect quote.

12:42 AM  

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