Monday, September 25, 2006

Aurora's Journal: First Entry

The Illuminati had been chasing me for three days. When I look back on it, it was such an odd experience for me. I was always the one who hunted. It was always me who was the predator. How can I be the prey?

The Illuminati have wanted me dead since they were in existence. I was a powerful life mage. None of them had mastered the shamanic arts that I was trained with since birth. None of my people would join such an organization. I couldn’t blame them.

The Illuminati are corrupt. Sure they mean well for the world, but the higher ups call all the shops. They seem to avoid helping the Middle East if at all possible. That’s where the real evil is. The demons. The really bad ones. The old vampires. Anything that is a huge threat to life in this world has roots in the Middle East.

Apparently the really ancient demons are less of a threat than me. There were three of them after me. Higher ups, Silver Eyes. But I had two advantages. The first was I was in West Virginia, deep in the woods. The second was, I was born in the woods, I was raised in the woods. The trees themselves bend to my will.

I rushed along the dew covered grass. My tiger padded softly along side of me, and shots were fired. They were using guns. How thoughtful of them. Bullets whizzed by my head. Finally I ducked in behind a tree, and I calmed my breathing. I withdrew my tomahawk. They stopped by my tree.

“Which way did she go?” One yelled.

I held my tomahawk in my hand, and I threw it, and it struck one in the head, blood went everywhere. The other immediately knelt and started healing, the third began to shoot at where I was. But by the time the bullets had reached there, I was in the tree, and I leapt down onto him. It must have looked very wolf-esque. I elbowed his cheek, and stood, my body shifted, and as the powerful bear I mauled the healer. I cut him open.

I tossed him to the ground. The last illuminati, the one who had just been healed looked up at me in fear. He then fired the gun. It ripped through my thick hide, and buried itself deep in my chest.

My tiger ripped out his throat. Blood went everywhere. I used my magic to shift back to human form. I held the bleeding wound on my chest. I pushed my finger down inside, and the tiger began to nuzzle me. I held myself up. I began to cough. Blood came from my mouth. I calmed myself down, and I altered my DNA, I made my healing rate quicken.

The wound began to repair itself. After a moment the bullet ejected itself onto my lap. The tiger laid down on my legs to keep my warm. He knew I wouldn’t be able to do much for the rest of the night. I stroked his head. I curled up beside him, and rested my head on his chest.

I smiled at him. He purred.

When I woke in the morning, I noticed there was a bear nearby, he began to shred at corpses. I shooed him off, and he seemed like a scolded child.

I gave him a look like he should know better. He then helped me dig holes. Even though I wasn’t a catholic like them, they deserved a burial like their religion dictates. I put them in it, and marked them with wooden crosses, and I put their illuminati necklaces on them.

I clicked my tongue for my tiger to come, and he obeyed. The bear went his own way at that point.


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