Thursday, December 07, 2006

Summer's Journal: Twenty-Sixth Entry

I will never fully understand boys. I somehow think when they are not normal boys they get even worse. For example, my cousin and my boyfriend; as it was mentioned countless times before, my cousin is wolf-blooded. That means he is a werewolf waiting to become a werewolf. During the night of a full moon he can’t sleep right. Another thing is he gets angrier faster than normal people, and he fights more than normal people. I personally feel he fights more than normal people because of his magnetic personality to the other sex, and their magnetic personality to their boyfriends.

But him being wolf-blooded means he is stronger than normal people, faster than normal people, and under certain situations of adrenaline and such, he takes on the characteristics of his race. I have seen his finger’s gain claws, and his eyes turn feral yellow several times, despite the fact he’s not a werewolf yet.

My boyfriend is a mage. We do not often discuss his magic; he doesn’t feel comfortable talking about. I scarcely know anything about his magic at all. Any knowledge I gained was from his aura, and I’m not good at reading auras to begin with. He’s elemental, although I do not know which one, or if he is all of them. He also can heal. I often wonder how good of a healer he is.

And I will have to say, my boyfriend is against using his abilities unless he has to in everyway. Which leads me to believe he was raised by normal people, but I am unsure because he never talks about his family; I gave up on trying to find out. Likewise, both my cousin and my boyfriend are on track. I am sure Chris could use his magic to make him go faster, as Brendan could use his ingrain abilities to do the same, and I asked Chris why he doesn’t.

He became very upset with me, and said It was cheating in the highest form, and that he could never live with himself or forgive himself for doing. I felt really bad, because I use my magic to do simple everyday things. It’s a lot easier to take out the trash when you are ordering a skeleton to do it, rather then doing it yourself.

Chris and Brendan sometimes go out at intervals usually once a month for guy time. I would have been more than happy to sit at home and read a book. But my cell phone rings, and it was Brendan. Brendan typically calls me for two things, The first because he just woke and wanted to tell me he was not going to be able to walk to school with me. The second is to trick me into doing something I don’t want to do. I wasn’t going to let him trick me this time.

“Hey Cuz,” he said. “Hello Brendan,” I responded. “Hey, we are going to be watching movies, and Chris wants you down here so you can cling to him at the scary parts.” I’m sure he felt the distaste in my voice on the phone. I create the scary parts of movies, “He said that?” Brendan spoke, “Yup, he said that, I tend to agree with him, you seem to scare easily.”

I grasped my necklace, while putting my phone into my side pouch, and I used to get to Brendan’s house. My father gave the necklace to me when I was younger. He gave one to Brendan too; it was so we could both go to each other’s houses without the hassle of travel. When I appeared there, two people grabbed me. I had little or no time to react, so my first reaction was to cast a spell. Blood filled my mouth, and my hands became black, and I reached towards their stomachs, and I took ahold. I felt their energy go into me, and then Brendan spoke up, “Summer its us!”

I released immediately and the blood vanished. “Do you know how irresponsible that way?!” I yelled at him. Chris fumbled forward, and I caught him, “You too! You’re supposed to be the voice of reason. Let’s just grab the girl who can steal years of our lives if she is startled!” I grabbed Chris’ head and Brendan’s head and hit them together. They both held their hands over their new bump, and looked down from me.

“I’m going home. If it was supposed to be a funny trick, guess what its not. I feel terrible now for hurting both of you.” I sat on Aunt Page’s stoop. I looked at the two boys, who sat next to me. They both put their arms around me.

“Please come bowling with us, someone has to be their to keep score who is good with math,” Brendan said. Chris countered, “I am good with math, but not as good as you. But I also don’t cheat to enhance my score.” Brendan countered, “I’m not the one who can guide the ball by looking at it!” Chris countered, “I’m not the one who can throw the ball hard enough to knock all the pins down anyway!”

“BOYS!” I yelled, and they stopped. “I will keep score. But I want to bowl too.” They both laughed. “What?” I asked. Brendan said, “Nothing at all.” “What?!” I asked more forcefully. “Nothing,” Brendan said, “Its nothing, babydoll.”

My cheeks had to become red even through my white makeup. I turned to him, I slapped his head five or six times. “Babydoll?” Chris asked. I sat down and looked down from him, and all my rage that was in me hitting Brendan calmed down, “What’s the big deal about Babydoll?” I didn’t respond. Brendan kept telling Chris to cut it through motions, and Chris finally realized that if it sent me into a blind rage at Brendan, that I was censoring myself now.

They stood, and Uncle Rapier pulled up in Aunt Page’s car, and we all filed in. I sat next to Chris and I rested my head on his shoulder for the trip across town. When we arrived at the bowling alley, the two boys ran in kicking and fighting. Uncle Rapier turned to me.

“Summer Dawn,” he said, “Be patient, and do not,” he said, “Do not raise anything from the dead to rend their flesh.”

“I’ll try not to.” I stood and left the car. I noticed Brendan and Chris were carrying large bags, I assume with their bowling balls in them. As I walked in, they dragged me to the counter, and told me to tell the lady my show size.

“Do you have anything in black?” I asked. She shook her head no. “Am I allowed to bowl in my socks?” She nodded. Brendan and Chris sighed. I on the other hand went searching for a bowling ball. I found a black one, and it had big finger holes and weighed far too much. I found another black one, and it was just right. I dragged it over to the alley where Brendan and Chris had made their niche.

I looked at the names, Brendan, Chris, and Babydoll. I set the ball down very calmly, and I laid my fist into both of their jaws. They cradled their jaws in their hands, and didn’t dare try to explain which one of them did it.

Once we started, Brendan threw one, and I could see his feral muscles move as he threw it. It landed and went with incredible accuracy and was a strike. Chris smiled at Brendan as he came back. When Chris walked up, I felt a pull of energy, and I noticed his hands glow, as he threw his ball, it was going terribly off course, and then it miraculously went back on course, and also got him a strike.

It was my turn, and I walked up with my ball. I had to wonder, how was necromancy going to help me when I was bowling? So I threw the ball. It went into the gutter. I sighed, and I began to think, what could little old me do to enhance her bowling game? As my ball came back up through the machine, I came up with an idea. I concentrated, and my focus cleared, and my body moved to my will. I threw the ball, and it went straight and it hit the pins. When I turned around, my eyes had to be red, and I blinked and forced it away. I daintily walked by them and kissed Chris’ cheek, and winked at Brendan, and I sat down.

Suddenly I went from Summer Dawn, to Summer Dawn the bowler. I don’t understand what me getting a spare had anything to do with them treating me like a bowler. I think maybe this was their game. Maybe their once a month thing was them going out and competing using their powers.

They didn’t count on me, more of a dhampir then Brendan coming and tapping into that small amount of blood I have in me. The game went with Brendan using all the abilities he could muster. His feral eyes, his feral muscles, feral concentration, and it made me proud to know he was comfortable enough with his heritage to be able to do that. Chris used his telekinesis most of the time, one time I felt a gust of wind when his ball was badly of course, and I also noticed that one time the ball was cool to the touch when I went to grab mine. When I threw my ball the next time, the alley was slippery, and my ball veered off course. I had to call the aid of a spirit to aid me.

Most of the time, I used my dhampiric concentration. I dare not try anything else, I don’t like to drink blood, and the only way to unlock those things would be to feed. The other thing I did was use spirits to help guide my ball, and likewise, push both of their balls off course, and Brendan blamed Chris, and Chris realized it was me.

It was a lot of fun. I have to say, I wouldn’t have rather been reading. I hope they invite me next time, but I know they have to their own time together too. I just want to do it again. It was a night of practical jokes and using magical ingrain abilities.

It lets me know that Chris is comfortable with who he is, so I know now he is comfortable with who I am.



Blogger Unknown said...

I can't bowl to save me life. lol, I really suck at it.

12:47 AM  
Blogger Jean-Luc Picard said...

It sounds like there might be an O'Ciardha Bowling Team here.

2:57 PM  
Blogger Chris Eastman said...

Yes, we definately need to do that again. It was a lot of fun, except for when you punched me. You're an abusive girlfriend, but you're MY abusive girlfriend and I wouldn't change that at all.

6:07 PM  

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