Saturday, October 28, 2006

Summer's Journal: Sixtenth Entry

I woke in the afternoon. It was early, and my mother and father were sitting there, holding on to one another, watching me sleep. I opened my eyes, and they both smiled. I was very confused.

I rubbed my eyes, and my makeup smeared all over them. I groaned, and I looked at them. Together they both pointed at the bathroom door, and I grabbed my bag, and I went and took care of everything that needed to be done.

Once I was clean and masked again, I walked out of the room, and looked at them. They both pointed at the window, I groaned. It was raining. I love the rain, more than any other weather, but not when I just applied my makeup.

I looked at both of them. They shrugged. I grabbed my small pouch, and a small umbrella, and I walked out into the rain, with intent to go to the church. They followed walking, holding hands in the rain.

As the forest passed by us, and the droplets from the trees hit the umbrella making loud beats. I walked slowly, the mud squishing underneath my feet. A fairy flew by. She seemed scared.

My eyes shifted. I felt pain in my stomach, I took a step back… My father and mother looked at each other. My father held me up, “Summer what’s wrong?” I groaned, “Something is demonic nearby…” There was silence for a moment. Even the rain seemed to stop.

I clutched my stomach with my free hand, and grit my teeth, and I walked forward. The further we walked down the path, the darker the wood became. It was twisted. I could tell, just by looking at, there was dark magic at work.

That’s when I heard the moans. Moans that were all too familiar to me; moans of pain and death unsettled. My tense body seemed to relax at the familiar sounds of undeath that I so cherished to hear.

I didn’t run forward, but I quickened my paces. I saw the church, it was close by, and I also saw figures stumbling about. Contained in death. I smiled. I walked forward, my eyes taking a wicked curve. My smile becoming even more wicked.

They were eyeless, but that didn’t matter to me. They would be mine. Whatever had control of them, would lose it to me. My heartbeat rose the closer I got to them. I could smell the rot.

There was a rush of blood. It filled my mouth. They would be mine. No matter what, The blood danced back and fourth on my tongue. It was my own, it was the sacrifice I had to pay. But it was worth it. They were mine.

I reached out with my necromantic hand and they shifted and stood stiff immediately. They would obey my commands. They would be my slaves. I walked closer still, blood in my mouth getting warmer with each step I took.

There was someone else playing against me. Someone else trying to control them. I pushed harder, and the blood in my mouth began to heat even further. I pushed back, they were mine! I earned them.

I pushed forward, the blood filled even further, and it began to run down my cheek, to fall onto my chest. There was another push, and I pushed back, the blood in my mouth was getting scalding. With another push, and my return push, the blood became unbearable, and I spat the boiling blood out of my mouth.

The zombies began to move. They were no longer mine. I took a step back, now I was upset. Tears filled my eyes… I wanted them. I concentrated again, and there seemed to be a bubble around them. Whoever it was, had to see them… But I wanted them first. They should be mine. I am the queen…

I concentrated again and my blood once again filled my mouth, but the bubble was too strong. My eyes narrowed, and I realized I couldn’t get them, but if I couldn’t have them, no-one could. I grabbed one after another with my necromantic hand. Their decay happened almost instantaneously, dropping into a pile of dust and goo. I looked for the source, whoever it was, was now going to die.

In the window I saw her. She was demonic, her skin red, and she had an eye in middle of her forhead, and horns, she ran from the window, her ebony hair flowing behind her. I ran for the door, and when I touched it, I blacked out.

When I woke, I wrote down what happened. Looking back now, I see that maybe it was a little greedy of me to want them like I did… But… I can’t explain it, they had to be mine…

My mom and dad are both sound asleep, maybe I should get some sleep too, and tell them what I saw.



Blogger Unknown said...

ACK! Zombies creep me out so bad!

11:59 AM  
Blogger Jean-Luc Picard said...

Zombies are no fun at all.

1:04 PM  

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