Saturday, January 06, 2007

Summer's Journal: Thirty-Third Entry

The Illuminati; I hold such a deep seated hatred for them. One can never understand why I feel the way I do. My father often spoke of them. The Illuminati formed long before Christianity. They weren’t called the Illuminati back then. They shifted and changed to become the Illuminati.

When they first started there were four of them; a descendant of Lilith, a descendant of Cain, a descendant of the followers of Anubis, and a descendant of Adam. Otherwise known as a vampire, a werewolf, a mage, and a human. They made it their mission to slay any supernatural creature they ran into.

By the end of a five year campaign they had gained followers. Soon the original four had to sit down and make a charter. Only one left the room, the mage; he had slain the others and wrote the charter himself.

Stained with blood from the beginning he said only a mage could ever be the leader of the illuminati. By the time Christ was crucified the Illuminati had grown to be an organization that was feared among supernatural creatures. Still, they didn’t have a large enough following to keep everyone in check.

The Dark Ages was when the Illuminati claimed their name. The Lightbringers. At this time, Supernatural creatures were numerous, many were learning to adapt with the human expansion into their lands. The Illuminati decided that adaptation was not enough. They had to be slain.

During the dark ages, supernatural creatures had a ratio of one to twelve. They weren’t hiding, they were in the open, one supernatural creature, to every twelve humans. The Illuminati then held a campaign. The Great Purging of 1066.

This was a terrible year for supernatural creatures. Anything you can think of, fairies, nymphs, vampires, werewolves, mages, mermaids, dragons, phoenixes, thunderbirds, yeti, zombies, skeletons, necromancers, elves, gnomes, kelpies, dwarves, brownies, selkies, druids, bog beasts, and everything you can think of. At the beginning of the year we were at our most numerous. At the end of that year we were at our least, approximately one to one thousand, five hundred.

My father was one of the lucky ones to survive. He allied with one of his greatest enemies to do it, an ancient werewolf named Feral Fang. Together they took a stand in an old castle. When they could no longer defend against the waves and waves of illuminati, they ran, and hid deep in the mountains, deep in a cave.

My father regrets not fighting harder, but he knew what needed to be done. The Illuminati during the year 1666, took another year to purge. This one was on demons that leaked through the cracks during that particular year.

Today, the Illuminati are an organization that has people in every government and has a branch of their own in each government, lead by a mage in the Vatican. Sometimes we call them the ‘Greens’ or the ‘V.E.R.T.’ the greens obviously come from the abbreviation meaning the French word for green. V.E.R.T. means Vatican Emergency Response Team.

They have kept us. KEPT us at the population of 1 to every 33 humans. The Illuminati are Lightbringers. They have a special dislike of Necromancers. So special its that I am the only one left. The only reason I haven’t been killed is because of my father.

They are frightened of him. If they were to kill me, then he would kill all of them. He would hunt every single one down and kill them. Everyone in my family is protected by my father’s reputation.

He was hired by them once. They paid him off in lands and this gothic hotel we live in now. He had to catch a woman named Aurora Dawnsfire. Many people know her better as Thousand Faces. She’s my godmother.

He was the only one they could think of who could capture her. He had no idea who she was, or what one day she would mean to this family. He captured her, and with the help of a council of illuminati mages they were able to lock her on that island.

I know that Godmother often goes on Illuminati hunts; because of how hard they hunt her. She’s very powerful and the Illuminati hate when somebody is free, and has more power than they do.

As someone reading this journal could guess. There is something that happened today that spawned this entry of hatred, but I am not sure what it all means. I am going to ask my father and think about it, and probably write about it tomorrow night.



Blogger Jean-Luc Picard said...

The VERT sound a powerful force.

12:58 PM  
Blogger Thousand Faces said...

Sometimes, yes, Captain. But their weakness lies in the fact that they cannot survive a tomahawk to the back.

5:55 PM  

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