Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Aurora's Journal: Eleventh Entry

She came to me crying. She leapt into my bed with me, and she kept pushing me to wake me up. I rose immediately. My eyes opened slowly, and I turned to her. I expected it to be Summer, having a terrifying dream of death and decay.

But it wasn’t Summer. It was Jesse. I was so shocked, I gasped. But I couldn’t say anything. I was myself. I couldn’t speak. I laid my hand on her cheek, and shushed her gently.

I shifted forms to Rapier’s Dead Wife. She was exactly what I needed to help Jesse.

“Jesse,” I whispered as I took her in my arms, “Are you okay, sweetie?”

"No…" She whimpered slightly. "I had a horrible dream.”

I sat next to her, and I took both her hands in mine, and I spoke in soft tones, “Do you want to tell me about it?”

She shook her head, "It was scary…I haven't had a scary dream like that since I was little."

She sounded so much like she did when she was younger. I remember when she was still with her grandfather, and she would have nightmares, and she would run to me, tiptoeing, and climb into bed just like this, then cling to me in middle of the night.

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I would always wake, and hold her. Rocking her gently back and fourth in my arms. That was before everything happened. I was always, always happiest when she needed me. I felt like I was useful when she needed me. Like I had a purpose.

I was like her mother…

When I snapped back to the present, I watched her eyes, as I squeezed her hands to let her know I was there.

"It…it was so scary. Summer…" She whimpered and clutched at her hands. "She was being consumed by demons. Not just eaten…physically changed by them, mentally devastated. There was nothing I could do."

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I closed my eyes, and quickly opened them seeing her daughter and my goddaughter having that done to her. I quickly wrapped my arms around her and I hugged her tightly to me. I closed my eyes again and a tear dropped down my cheek.

"I don't want to see that anymore. I felt so helpless because I couldn't help her. She kept calling for me…and I just stood there."

I rubbed her back gently, “We both know you wouldn’t just stand there, Jesse.”

"But I couldn't move." She insisted.

“It was just a nightmare. Summer is fine, and you will always be able to keep her from her inner demons.”

She sniffled and hid her eyes snuggling closer. "I'm sorry, it just scared me."

“Don’t apologize, Jesse,” I said with a smile that she couldn’t see, “I would be terrified too.” I squeezed her tightly, “Do you want to sleep in here for the rest of the night?”

She nodded from her place of snuggling. "Yes…"

“Okay,” I said softly, “I’ll sing you to sleep.”

She smiled, "I'd like that."

I began to sing, “The Little Horses” the song I sang to her when she was restless as a child was the song I chose.

Jesse's eyes closed and her breathing evened as she fell into a light sleep.

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I kissed her forehead before covering her up, and laying down next to her. It was nice to still be needed. It made me feel good.

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Blogger Nightwing said...

The best comfort and care can only come from loved ones. But remember at the same time, that support against great evil can also be found from loved ones.

2:36 PM  
Blogger Jean-Luc Picard said...

Great use of pictures there.

1:49 PM  

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